Maître de conférences – HDR en mécanique des fluides et aérodynamique, à l’école de l’air et de l’espace et au CREA depuis le 1er Septembre 2019, en situation de détachement de l’université d’Orléans.
Doctorat en mécanique des fluides, et Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches en sciences pour l’ingénieur obtenus à l’Université d’Orléans.
Ses activités de recherche portent sur l’analyse, la compréhension physique et le contrôle des écoulements pour l’aérodynamique instationnaire appliquée à l’aéronautique, l’automobile et l’éolien. Elles relèvent de problématiques posées par l’industrie visant à prédire et améliorer les performances de systèmes aérodynamiques, comme par exemple diminuer la consommation et/ou augmenter la manœuvrabilité des véhicules terrestres ou aériens, accroître la durée de vie des structures en limitant les fluctuations de charges aérodynamiques. Les approches multidisciplinaires développées et mises en œuvre sont numériques et expérimentales en soufflerie subsonique.
Domaines applicatifs : sillages automobile, aérodynamique rotors (hélicoptère et éolien), aérodynamique et aéroélasticité des ailes/pales flexibles et de grand allongement (éolien, aéronefs, drones solaires HALE).
Mots clés
- Aérodynamique instationnaire
- Aéroélasticité
- Modélisation lignes/surfaces portantes et sillages tourbillonnaires
- Contrôle des écoulements
- Plasmas surfaciques
- Aérodynamique expérimentale et mesures en soufflerie subsonique
Publications choisies
Macri S, Aubrun S, Leroy A, Girard N (2021) Experimental investigation of wind turbine wake and load dynamics during yaw manoeuvres, Wind Energy Science, 6, 585–599, 2021, https://doi.org/10.5194/wes-6-585-2021
Lorenz R D, Lebreton J P, Leroy A, Pérez-Ayúcar M (2020) Evolution of the Huygens Probe Spin During Parachute Descent, Journal Of spacecraft And Rockets, 58 (3), 2021, https://doi.org/10.2514/1.A34818
Nelson-Gruel D, Joseph P, Paulh-Manssens A, Leroy, Aubrun S, Chamaillard Y (2020) Closed loop control of aerodynamic load fluctuations on wind turbine airfoil using surface plasma actuators. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2020, 53(2), pp. 12675–12681. 21st IFAC World Congress Berlin, Germany, 11–17 July 2020. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ifacol.2020.12.1848
Macri S, Duc T, Leroy A, Girard N, Aubrun S (2020) Experimental analysis of time delays in wind turbine wake interactions. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 1618 062058, https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/1618/6/062058
Baleriola S., Leroy A., Loyer S., Devinant P., Aubrun-Sanches S. (2019). Scaling investigation of plasma-induced flows over curved and flat surfaces: Comparison to the wall jet. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 76:259-273.
Baleriola S., Leroy A., Loyer S., Devinant P., Aubrun S. (2018). Experimental lift control using fluidic jets on a model wind turbine. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1037:022014.
Macrì S., Coupiac O., Girard N., Leroy A., Aubrun S. (2018). Experimental analysis of the wake dynamics of a modelled wind turbine during yaw manoeuvres. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1037:072035.
Aubrun S., Leroy A., Devinant P. (2017). A review of wind turbine-oriented active flow control strategies. Experiments in Fluids, 58(10) in press.
Audier P., Rabat H., Leroy-Chesneau A., Hong D. (2014). Experimental investigation of a surface DBD plasma actuator at atmospheric pressure in different N2/O2 gas mixtures. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 23:065045 (10pp)
Pons J., Rabat H., Leroy-Chesneau A., Hong D. (2014). Experimental Study of a Surface DBD Actuator Supplied by an Atypical Nanosecond Rising High-Voltage Pulse. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, , 1661-1668
Benard N., Moreau E., Zouzou N., Rabat H., Pons J., Hong D., Leroy-Chesneau A., Peschke P., Hollenstein C. (2013). Nanosecond pulsed plasma actuators. ERCOFTAC Bulletin, 94:pp11-16.
Forte M, Seraudie A, Vermeersch O, Kurz A, Grundmann S, Tropea C, Pons J, Leroy A (2013) Boundary layer transition control with steady and unsteady DBD plasma actuation. ERCOFTAC Bulletin, 94, March 2013.
Joussot R., Leroy-Chesneau A., Weber R., Rabat H., Loyer S., Hong D. (2013). Plasma morphology and induced airflow characterization of a DBD actuator with serrated electrode. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 46:125204 (12pp)
Joussot R., Weber R., Leroy A., Hong D. (2013). Transition control using a single plasma actuator. International Journal of Aerodynamics, 3(1/2/3):26-46.
Thacker A., Aubrun S., Leroy A., Devinant P. (2013). Experimental characterization of flow unsteadiness in the centerline plane of an Ahmed body rear slant. Experiments in Fluids, 54:1479.
Audier P., Leroy-Chesneau A., Hong D. (2012). Unsteady forcing of a post-stall flow over a NACA0012 airfoil by a surface DBD actuator, , 6th Flow Control Conference, AIAA paper 2012-3052, 6th Flow Control Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, June 25-28 https://doi.org/10.2514/6.2012-3052
Leroy A, Molton P, Carpels Y, Pons J (2012) Experimental Studies of DBD Actuator Effects on Wing Tip Vortex Topology. AIAA Paper 2012-2951, 6th Flow Control Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, June 25-28.
Thacker A., Aubrun-Sanches S., Leroy-Chesneau A., Devinant P. (2012). Effects of suppressing the 3D separation on the rear slant on the flow structures around an Ahmed body. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 107-108:237-243.
Audier P, Joussot R, Rabat H, Hong D, Leroy-Chesneau A (2011) ICCD imaging of plasma filament in a circular surface dielectric barrier discharge arrangement. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 39(11):2180-2182 https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/5784341
Benard N., Pons J., Audier P., Moreau E., Hong D., Leroy-Chesneau A. (2011). Filaments in a surface dielectric barrier discharge operating in altitude conditions. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 39(11):2222-2223
Gilliéron P., Leroy-Chesneau A., Aubrun S., Audier P. (2010). Influence of the Slant Angle of 3D Bluff Bodies on Longitudinal Vortex Formation. Journal of Fluids Engineering, 132(5):051104 (9 pages).
Joussot R, Hong D, Rabat H, Boucinha V, Weber-Rozenbaum R, Leroy A (2010) Thermal characterization of a DBD Plasma actuator: Dielectric Temperature Measurements using infrared thermography. AIAA Paper 2010-5102, 5th AIAA Flow control conference, 28 June-1 July, Chicago, USA. https://doi.org/10.2514/6.2010-5102
Magnier P., Boucinha V., Dong B., Weber R., Leroy-Chesneau A., Hong D., Hureau J. (2009). Experimental study of the flow induced by a sinusoidal Dielectric Barrier Discharge actuator and its effects on a flate natural boundary layer. Journal of Fluids Engineering, 131, Issue 1:011203 (11 pages).
Magnier P, Hong D, Leroy A, Pouvesle J.-M, Hureau J (2007) A DC corona discharge on a flat plate to induce air movement. Journal of Electrostatics, 65(10-11):pp. 655-659. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.elstat.2007.04.002
Magnier P., Hong D., Leroy-Chesneau A., Bauchire J.-M., Hureau J. (2007). Control of separated flows with the ionic wind generated by a DC corona discharge. Experiments in Fluids, 42:pp. 815-825.
Lebouar G., Costes M., Leroy A. and Devinant P. (2004) Numerical simulations of unsteady aerodynamics of helicopter rotor in manoeuvring flight conditions. Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol 8, Issue 1, p11-25.
Leroy A. and Devinant P. (1999) A general approach for computing 3D unsteady lifting and/or propulsive systems derived from a complete theory. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, Vol 29, Issue 1, pp75-95.