Laurent Chaudron, est chercheur en sciences de la cognition et intelligence artificielle.
Ancien élève de l’École polytechnique (promotion 1981), il est docteur, HDR et dirige Theorik-Lab, un laboratoire de recherche en cognitique.
Ancien directeur du Centre de Recherche Onera Provence, il est membre associé au CREA, rattaché à l’École Doctorale 184 (mathématiques et informatique) d’Aix-Marseille Université.
Il est Colonel de la réserve citoyenne de l’Armée de l’air et de l’espace.
Pratiquant, enseignant et formateur Kendo (escrime japonaise, 6e dan renshi, membre de la Commission nationale de l’enseignement) notamment dans le domaine du handicap ; il est également percussionniste.
Orcid 0000-0002-0834-5607
Ecole Polytechnique X81
Doctorat 1989 - Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches 2006
Diplôme d’État Éducateur Sportif 1998
Certifié Enseignant PSH (Handicap)
Research scientist in Cognitive Sciences and AI
Dr, Habilitation-Thesisa Orcid 0000-0002-0834-5607
Formal modelling · Human Reasoning · MetaCognition · Decision · Virtual Minds · Continuous Learning · Trust Model · Cooperative and Conflicting Agents · Self-Orientation ·Handicap and Rehabilitation · Peace Engineering ·
CEO Theorik-Lab: research institute in cognitive sciences
Associated Scientist French Space & Air Force.
CIO (Chief Imagination Officer) Top-Pilot.
CSO of ‘Cognitive Guild’ (npo dedicated to the progress of Mankind)
(Former director of a national aerospace research center)
Kendo teacher and national instructor (martial art of japanese fencing, 6th dan renshi). Cajon percussionist
@HDR École Doctorale184Mathématiques et Informatique, AMU.
1981: Bachelor’s degrees in Mathematics and Physics, University Paris VII
1984:Graduated from École Polytechnique : Promotion”X1981”
1989: PhD Thesis, Toulouse University and Supaero, Artificial Intelligence :
Contribution to Approximate Reasoning
2005: Habilitation Thesis (HDR) Toulouse University, Cognitive Science :
Simple Structures for Complex Knowledge
Other National Diplomas
1977: Lifeguard Master
1988: Professional Sport Teacher: Kendo Renshi 6th dan. Member of the National Kendo Education Commission
2019: Certified Educator for PWD (Persons With Disabilites)
Formal modeling, Logic, Lattices, Human Reasoning, Cooperative Systems, Conflict, Decision, Metacognition, Didactics, Autopoïesis, Life long Learning, Trust, Rehabilitation ...
Research topics are structured through 3 subspaces :
• Ultimate topics : Research Theory, PEP Peace Engineering Program (modeling of Peace as an autopoïesis property of human structures), CWP Continuous World Paradigm (prerequisites for both discrete and continuous models of knowledge), Continuous Learning.
• Kernel topics : Causality, Decision, Soft-Negation, Autopoiesis
• Generative topics : Metacognition, Team Cognition, Operative Reasoning, Trust, Eucalepic effect, Didactics for All, Rehabilitation.